Pricing Guide


Product Rates

Current and Savings Accounts

Important contact details

Contact us


Software Downloads

Report incident

24 hour single fraud line

SA only
087 575 9444

Outside SA
+27 11 369 2924

Account claim forms

Credit card fraud claim form [0.678 KB]

Debit card fraud claim form [0.690 KB]

Other important numbers

Identity theft

Online fraud

SIM swap

ATM security

Card skimming

Shoulder surfing


Lost or stolen cards

ATM security

Contact numbers for reporting
ATM related incidents (24 hour)

SA only
0800 110 132

Damaged or stolen cards
087 575 9406

Account claim forms

Credit card fraud claim form [0.678 KB]

Debit card fraud claim form [0.690 KB]

Card skimming

24 hour single fraud line

SA only
087 575 9444

Outside SA
+27 11 369 2924

Account claim forms

Credit card fraud claim form [0.678 KB]

Debit card fraud claim form [0.690 KB]

Online fraud

24 hour single fraud line

SA only
087 575 9444

Outside SA
+27 11 369 2924

Account claim forms

Credit card fraud claim form [0.678 KB]

Debit card fraud claim form [0.690 KB]

Shoulder surfing

24 hour single fraud line

SA only
087 575 9444

Outside SA
+27 11 369 2924

Account claim forms

Credit card fraud claim form [0.678 KB]

Debit card fraud claim form [0.690 KB]

Identity theft

24 hour single fraud line

SA only
087 575 9444

SA Fraud Prevention Service
0860 101 248


Outside SA
+27 11 369 2924

Credit card fraud claim form [0.678 KB]

Debit card fraud claim form [0.690 KB]


24 hour single fraud line

SA only
087 575 9444



South African Police Services

Outside SA
+27 11 369 2924

Credit card fraud claim form [0.678 KB]

Debit card fraud claim form [0.690 KB]

Lost or stolen cards

087 575 9406

24 hour single fraud line

SA only
087 575 9444

Outside SA
+27 11 369 2924

SIM swap

087 575 9406

24 hour single fraud line

SA only
087 575 9444

Outside SA
+27 11 369 2924

What it is

All users are required to have unique usernames and passwords that they must keep secret. In addition users will have the option or in some cases be required to be issued with a USB token called a personal security key (PSK).

This token is based on a robust Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and the associated PKI certificate is issued by an independent Certificate Authority (CA).

The token contains private data stored on a security chip that is unique to the user.

The PSK is designed to prevent copying of sensitive data from the chip and follows international standards.

Once implemented, you are required to use the token every time you login to transact and again when authorising a transaction or instruction. To use the PSK you will need to enter a PIN, this will ensure no-one can access your Online Banking Enterprise™ profile without the PSK and PIN.

Personal security key (PSK)

Control access

The personal security key (PSK) is a USB token that contains private data stored on a security chip that is unique to you. These devices are smart card chip-based devices which will store your Digital Certificate on the device.

What it is

Control access

All users are required to have unique usernames and passwords that they must keep secret. In addition users will have the option or in some cases be required to be issued with a USB token called a personal security key (PSK).