Published at 2024-12-19
Amount | GBP Gross | GBP AER | USD Gross | USD AER | EUR Gross | EUR AER |
0 - 2499 | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
2500 - 4999 | 0.10% | 0.10% | 0.10% | 0.10% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
5 000 - 9 999 | 0.45% | 0.45% | 0.45% | 0.45% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
10 000 - 24 999 | 3.55% | 3.61% | 2.75% | 2.78% | 1.25% | 1.26% |
25 000 - 49 999 | 3.85% | 3.92% | 2.75% | 2.78% | 1.55% | 1.56% |
50 000 - 99 999 | 3.95% | 4.02% | 3.05% | 3.09% | 1.55% | 1.56% |
100 000 - 249 999 | 4.15% | 4.23% | 3.05% | 3.09% | 1.85% | 1.87% |
250 000+ | 4.15% | 4.23% | 3.45% | 3.51% | 1.85% | 1.87% |
Important information
Standard terminology
Available in 3 major currencies, earn competitive interest rates and have the ability to decide when you need access to your savings. To access the funds, you need to give 32 days' notice. The account is also available in a joint capacity.
Add funds at any time.
Available in GBP(£), USD($) and EUR(€).
No monthly account fees.
Benefit from the ability to earn higher interest with cumulative balances held jointly in a single savings account.
Other ways to apply
View pdf document for details on documents needed
Account application forms